40 Hour Site Safety Manager
Ensure you meet NYC requirements and stay safe on the job by completing the 40-Hour Construction Site Safety Training. Gain the essential skills and certification needed to work on construction sites in New York City.
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The 40-Hour Site Safety Manager course trains participants to become proficient site safety managers, with a strong focus on construction classified by the NYC Building Department. This course prioritizes the safety of both the public and workers on-site. It serves as a mandatory prerequisite for individuals aiming to obtain their Site Safety Coordinator or Construction Superintendent licenses. Through a thorough review of Chapter 33 and New York City safety regulations, participants will gain the knowledge needed to apply safe work practices and be well-prepared for the Site Safety Manager or Coordinator exams.
As stated in the NYC Construction Codes – Title 28 General Administrative provisions, In order to become a Site Safety Manager and/or Coordinator Applicants must submit a certificate completion for the 40 hour certified safety manager training. In order to become a Construction Superintendent applicants must also submit a certification of completion for the 40 hour Site Safety Manager Course. For more information on how to become a Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Superintendent please visit the Department of Buildings website.Â
New York City’s new requirement beginning July 1st 2016 states that faÇade projects requiring site-safety plans; buildings 15 stories or higher may now use a site safety manager, who completed construction safety manager training, designated rigging foreman, rigger, or qualified safety professional to oversee site safety on the project.


- Explain the differences between the various types of safety professionalsÂ
- Recognize rules and regulations and the reasons why they were put into place
- Identify the different types of safety practices and procedures that are put in place to protect the public and property during construction and demolition operations in NYC
- Describe proper communication procedures between licensed safety professionals and the New York City Department of Buildings
- Describe the differences between OSHA standards and NYC DOB Chapter 33 regulations
- Identify potential fire hazards and prevention methods in compliance with the New York City Fire Code
Do the LL196 requirements apply to small jobs without a super like an apartment renovation, come Mar 2021?
Local Law 196 required of workers at job sites that must designate a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Safety Manager.
Site Safety Training (SST) card requirements are extended to March 2021, correct?
That is correct Temporary SST, Limited SST and SST Cards have been extended to March 2021. This does not apply to SST Supervisory cards.
Site Safety Training (SST) supervisory cards are currently required to be present on site?
Yes, SST supervisory cards are required to be present on-site.
Renewal of site safety training card after 5yrs of issue date, do we have to maintain OSHA 30 Card in active at all times?
OSHA Cards do not expire. Per LL196 these cards need to be refreshed if older than 5 years old, in order to obtain an SST Card. Once a SST Card is issued, you need not refresh the OSHA card again.
Can a professional engineer perform as SSM? then, does he need OSHA education?
The PE can perform as an SSM as long as they have the SSM certification along with an SST Supervisory Card. All workers at a job site are required to have OSHA education.
I just got my SST card today and received my OSHA card in 2016. My SST card indicates it expires September 23, 2025. So in 2025 do I have to redo the OSHA class or just renew my SST card with the 8hr Refresher?
You would just need to renew the SST Card with the 8hr of training.
Was I supposed to stop the work or hire an alternate Construction Super (CS) during these 4 1/2 days to attend these events?
A CS would be able to designate a Competent Person (who has an SST Supervisory Card) and indicate it in the logbook.
Know all about the Local Law 196
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