Capacitación Para Guardias De Seguridad
Comienza tu carrera en seguridad rápidamente con nuestro conveniente paquete. Incluye la tarifa de solicitud de licencia del Estado de Nueva York, asistencia con la documentación y los cursos de capacitación de 8 y 16 horas. ¡Simplifica el proceso y obtén tu licencia rápidamente!
¡Reserva el Próximo Programa de Capacitación para Guardias de Seguridad!

- Cita para la Verificación de Antecedentes Federales
Disfruta de un proceso de inscripción sencillo y sin complicaciones con nuestra integración perfecta de tarifas de solicitud estatal. Desde el inicio de tu solicitud, puedes estar seguro de que no hay tarifas ocultas ni sorpresas.
Hemos optimizado el proceso para que puedas concentrarte en avanzar en tu educación o carrera.Nuestro equipo te brinda información clara y directa para ayudarte a tomar decisiones con confianza. Déjanos encargarnos de los detalles mientras comienzas un emocionante nuevo capÃtulo en tu vida.
- Proceso de Solicitud de Licencia para Guardias de Seguridad
¡Déjanos encargarnos de las citas para huellas dactilares por ti! Eliminamos el riesgo de reservar horarios incorrectos o inconvenientes. Como parte de nuestro apoyo en tu proceso de obtención de licencia, nos ocupamos de toda la documentación y la coordinación necesaria para tus huellas dactilares.
Evita contratiempos y complicaciones con nuestro enfoque simplificado, que te mantiene en el camino correcto. Nos encargamos de todos los detalles, simplificando el proceso y guiándote en cada paso hacia la obtención de tu licencia.

- Seminario de Asistencia para la Búsqueda de Empleo
Descripción General:
Al prepararte para inscribirte en nuestros cursos, queremos asegurarte que nuestro compromiso con tu éxito va más allá del aula. Nos complace presentarte nuestro exclusivo **Seminario de Asistencia para la Búsqueda de Empleo**, diseñado para brindarte las herramientas y recursos necesarios para iniciar una carrera gratificante una vez que completes tu capacitación.
- El Papel Crucial de la Licencia
Emprender una carrera en la industria de la seguridad requiere una cuidadosa consideración sobre la vital necesidad de obtener una licencia. Este proceso complejo no solo demanda un compromiso inquebrantable, sino también la finalización meticulosa de cursos de capacitación especÃficos y exámenes, todos adaptados a los requisitos de tu estado o provincia.
Además, más allá de simplemente abrir las puertas al sector de la seguridad, este camino transformador fomenta activamente una comprensión profunda de su panorama complejo y matizado.
¿Por qué elegir Tribune Training Academy para tu capacitación en seguridad?
Nuestros instructores expertos aportan años de experiencia en la industria al aula, ofreciendo conocimientos que van más allá de los libros de texto y abordan los desafÃos reales que enfrentarás en el campo. No solo aprenderás; obtendrás perspectivas valiosas que te destacarán del resto.

¡InscrÃbete Hoy y Asegura Tu Futuro!
Únete hoy a la Capacitación para Guardias de Seguridad de Tribune y empodérate con las habilidades, conocimientos y confianza necesarios para destacar en la industria de la seguridad. Tu historia de éxito comienza con nosotros.

What training courses are required to be employed as a security guard?
New York State General Business Law Article 7-A, section 89-n requires security guard applicants and/or security guards to complete the following training courses:
*8 Hour Pre-Assignment Training Course for Security Guards
This is an 8 hour course required by New York State as the first step in obtaining a security guard registration card from the New York State Department of State. The course provides the student with a general overview of the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. Topics covered in this course include the role of the security guard, legal powers and limitations, emergency situations, communications and public relations, access control, and ethics and conduct. The passing of an examination is required for successful completion of this course.
16 Hour On-the- Job Training Course for Security Guards
This is a 16 hour course that must be completed within 90 days of employment as a security guard. The course provides the student with detailed information on the duties and responsibilities a security guard. Topics covered in this course include the role of the security guard, legal powers and limitations, emergency situations, communications and public relations, access control, ethics and conduct, incident command system, and terrorism. The passing of an examination is required for successful completion of this course.
8 Hour Annual In-Service Training Course for Security Guards
This is an 8 hour course that must be completed within 12 calendar months from completion of the 16 Hour On-the-Job Training Course for Security Guards, and annually thereafter. The course is structured to provide the student with updated and enhanced information on the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. Topics include the role of the security guard, legal powers and limitations, emergency situations, communications and public relations, access control, and ethics and conduct.
*47 Hour Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards
This is a 47 hour course required by New York State as the first step in obtaining a special armed guard registration card from the New York State Department of State. To attend the course students must possess a valid pistol license pursuant to NY Penal Law Section 400.00 and a valid NYS security guard registration card. The course consists of 7 hours of NYS Penal Law Article 35 (Use of Force/Deadly Physical Force) and 40 hours of range instruction and qualification. To successfully complete the course the student must pass a written examination on Article 35 and qualify with a handgun.
8 Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Guards
This is an 8 hour course that must be completed within 12 calendar months from completion of the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course for Armed Guards, and annually thereafter. To attend the course students must possess a valid pistol license pursuant to NY Penal Law Section 400.00 and a valid NYS security guard registration card. The course consists of 3 hours of NYS Penal Law Article 35 (Use of Force/Deadly Physical Force) and 5 hours of range instruction and qualification. To successfully complete the course the student must pass a written examination on Article 35 and qualify with a handgun.
*Security guards or security guard applicants need only complete this course once.
Who may provide New York State required security guard training?
Only a New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) approved security guard training school may provide required New York State security guard training.
DCJS approves entities as security guard training schools when they have met specific criteria. Training courses offered by these schools must meet minimum standards set forth in rules and regulations. DCJS only approves security guard training schools to provide security guard training required by NYS General Business Law Article 7-A, section 89-n. These required security guard training courses are listed in question #1. Only the courses listed in question #1 are under the jurisdiction of DCJS.
Individuals teaching New York State required security guard training courses must be DCJS certified instructors.
DCJS certifies individuals as security guard instructors and armed security guard instructors when they have met minimum requirements set forth in rules and regulations.
When do I have to complete the 16 Hour On-the-Job Training Course?
The 16 Hour On-the-Job Training Course is required for all security guards in New York State and must be completed within 90 days of being employed as a security guard. This course is designed to be taken after an individual is employed as a security guard since the training is to occur while on-the-job and is specific to the individual’s job duties and assignments.
A security guard training school says they can help me find a job or have a job for me if I complete their training courses.
You should THOROUGHLY SCRUTINIZE any promises or guarantees of job placement by security guard training schools or others before you sign a contract or pay a sum of money. You may contact DCJS if you have questions or concerns about promises or guarantees being made by a security guard training school(s).
What does the school give me when I complete a course?
Security guard training schools are required to issue a DCJS approved certificate of completion to students who successfully complete required security guard training courses according to New York State Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Part 6027.12(c).
Can I get a security guard registration card if I have a criminal record?
NYS Department of State, Division of Licensing Services is responsible for the registration of security guards. All questions concerning the registration of security guards must be directed to that office at (518) 474-7569. Information on the registration process can also be accessed at:
Do I have to complete required security guard training if I have previous law enforcement training?
New York State General Business Law Article 7-A, section 89-n, provides for various exemptions of security guard training requirements based on employment and completed Municipal Police Training Council approved law enforcement training. A matrix outlining these exemptions can be viewed by clicking on the following link:Â
i have not yet received by license in the mail. What should I do?
Contact the Department of State Division of Licensing to find out if license has been issued.Â
You can also check your licensing status using the link below:
Security Guard and Armored Car Guard Information (518) 474-7569Â